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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'>You can transfer files using CFFA 3000 card built by Richard Dreher. The card takes Compact Flash and USB. He is planning to release 3rd run by September<BR><a href="http://dreher.net/?s=projects/CFforAppleII&c=projects/CFforAppleII/main.php">http://dreher.net/?s=projects/CFforAppleII&c=projects/CFforAppleII/main.php</a><br><br>
<BR><div></div><br> <BR><div>> From: nickwilcox_2000@msn.com<br>> To: blindapple@bluegrasspals.com<br>> Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 17:37:45 -0400<br>> Subject: Re: [Blindapple] Exciting news for the Blind Apple II emulation community!<br>> <br>> <br>> I have a device that lets you transfer disk images back and forth from the apple to the pc.<br>> I do not think you can buy it any more. It is a compact flash card reader that works on the apple.<br>> <br>> Nick<br>> <br>> _______________________________________________<br>> BlindApple mailing list<br>> BlindApple@bluegrasspals.com<br>> http://jaybird.no-ip.info/mailman/listinfo/blindapple<br></div> </div></body>