[Blindapple] changing apple IIe mess emulator keyboards

Tony Baechler tony at baechler.net
Wed Feb 1 07:50:51 EST 2023

Yes, but I'm not exactly sure how. You have to go into one of the .ini 
files, but I haven't looked at it for a long time now. I was trying to 
experiment to get the IIgs emulation working better. I didn't get very 
far. You have to realistically get sighted help to navigate through the 
startup menu when you launch MESS. If you know the keycodes, you can 
edit the .ini file as I said, but since it has its own odd way of doing 
things, you probably have to enter the key combination you want and 
figure it out. My memory is vague as it has been a few years now and I 
finally gave up but with Convenient OCR, I did sort of find a way of 
getting somewhere. I realize it's not a helpful answer, so for practical 
purposes, I would say not really.

On 1/30/2023 6:06 PM, Josh via BlindApple wrote:
> Hi
> Is there any way to change keyboard commands for the apple IIe mess 
> emulator, for those people who may want to use a laptop? Also did they 
> ever make talking versions of WordStar and visicalc?
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