[Blindapple] Resend of Tony's message: Announcing Simple Accessible GUI 0.1

Jayson Smith jaybird at bluegrasspals.com
Sun Jul 30 15:22:06 EDT 2017

See http://www.bluegrasspals.com/sag-01.zip

What you have is called SAG, or Simple Accessible / Apple GUI. It 
requires either MAME or MESS to be installed and working. It's up to the 
user to make sure the ROMs are present. There is currently no help file, 
but it should be obvious. I tried to make it as bulletproof as possible, 
but it needs lots of testing, especially on Windows other than XP. If 
you try to run the emulator without setting up the INI file or selecting 
a disk for drive 1, you're told about this and given the chance to do 
the setup. I tested it several times and it worked fine for me. The only 
serious bug is it doesn't delete the temporary batch file when it's 
done. If you find other bugs, please let me know. To install, just unzip 
anywhere, like d:\sag. Run sag.exe from Windows Explorer or create a 
desktop shortcut. Have fun!

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