[Blindapple] Talking Apple Dropbox folder and general call for disk images

Jayson Smith jaybird at bluegrasspals.com
Mon Jul 3 15:43:28 EDT 2017

Hi all,

I have recently begun collaborating with Bryan Smart on a Dropbox 
folder. The goal of this folder is to collect and preserve all Apple 
II/IIgs software which could be made to talk, even with Textalker-GS on 
the Apple IIgs. We are particularly interested in software which talks 
on its own, without the need for Textalker-GS. Much of the software in 
this folder now is software which came with Messapple, but there are 
some other items as well, and we're always looking for more. We do have 
seven issues of BAUD, Blind Apple User Discussion, a magazine which was 
produced by MicroTalk during the time in question. Some of the disk 
images in this folder are 800K 3.5 disk images, but even if you only 
have the Messapple IIe emulator, you can still get at the files using 

If you'd like to be added to this folder, please contact Bryan or me by 
Email. My Email is jaybird at bluegrasspals.com and Bryan's is 
bryansmart at bryansmart.com. The folder is read-only. If you have disk 
images to contribute, please send them to one of us.

If you have talking Apple software, magazines, etc. on real, physical 
disks, there are several ways to turn these into images if you have 
working Apple equipment. If you have a CFFA3000, it has built-in code to 
image 5.25 and 3.5 disks. If you don't have a CFFA3000, but you do have 
a mass storage device such as a hard drive, MicroDrive, etc. there's a 
ProDOS utility called DSK2File which can do the trick also. You can also 
use Shrinkit to image disks.

If you have a Super Serial card or hardware compatible in your Apple 
(the IIc ports are compatible, the IIgs ports are not), you can use a 
program called Apple Disk Transfer (ADT) to transfer images between your 
Apple and PC with a serial port.



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