[Blindapple] installing lotus 123

Josh K joshknnd1982 at gmail.com
Thu May 14 21:19:55 EDT 2015

ok here is the links you need.

talking dosbox:


lotus 123


mega dots demo


wordperfect for dos


and virtual braille n speak so you can modify it.


you may also need python and its tools to be installed. I tried 
modifying it but got a syntax error. though I admit I'm not good at 
coding. but I can modify espeak and giv it new intonations at least.

follow me on twitter @joshknnd1982

On 5/14/2015 7:09 PM, Guillem wrote:
> Hello,
> I can probably try to get those running tomorrow if you send me the files I need.
> As for DECtalk, I have recently been working on a new improved BNS emulator with multiple output types support, such as redirect to another real serial port in case you have an actual hardware synthesizer, and even NVDA. I will keep updating it and probably this weekend I’ll release it. I can attempt to have a DECtalk output mode, although it would have to use the Access32 version used with NVDA. I hope that’s not a problem for you.
>> On 15 May 2015, at 00:38, Bryan Mckinnish <bryanbkm at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey.
>> Try putting the files in a folder, and mounting it with the mount command.
>> You can use that as drive a or something.
>> It would be cool to use dectalk with dos. That's what I used to use in school.
>> I also used megadots a couple of times, but not lotus or wp.
>> They would be cool to try out though.
>> On 5/14/2015 6:27 PM, Josh K wrote:
>>> well i coppied all the files from all lotus123 install disks into an install folder. i tried installing and still no go. maybe one of you will have better luck? I can send you the lotus disks on sendspace if you wish.
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