[Blindapple] Problems With Echo Speach

Scott Duck list at csdconsulting.biz
Tue Sep 24 13:46:09 EDT 2013



I am a new list member and a new user of the Apple II e emulator.  My first
computer was an Apple II c with a Cricket speech synthesizer.  I then got an
Apple II gs with an Echo 2b speech synthesizer.  I use to have all of the
disks that come with the emulator and a lot more.  I am really looking
forward to some 1980s nostalgia!


I am having a little problem with the Text Talker speech in the emulator.
Echo speaks but it is a bit studdery.  No, that isn't exactly it.  It's kind
of hard to describe.  It says the same thing twice with the second one being
a fraction of a second ahead of the other one.  If that doesn't make any
sense, let me know and I'll try to explain more clearly.  Has anyone else
experienced this and do you know how to fix it?  Any help would be
appreciated.  In case it matters, I am running Windows 8, 64 bit.



Scott Duck

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