[Blindapple] Legal Issue Concerning the Math Games disk and possibly others

Brent Buswell brent at brentbuswell.com
Wed Sep 11 14:57:22 EDT 2013

Hi Guys,

I happened to see that post earlier regarding the Math games disk. I am certain that if you wish to contribute this disk to our collection that there will be no trouble for you. For one thing, it isn't even available for purchase anymore so that automatically makes it fair game. We have issues like this crop up all the time in the music business with recordings that are out-of-print. There is just no other way to get these things unless you download them, or can find a way to get hold of them some other way.

Also, if the website that was mentioned seems to have disappeared then that tells me that the company might not even really be in operation anymore. The missing documentation regarding ownership also further validates that this, and other disks like it, can be shared without any worries.

If this disk is contributed, that would be really awesome because my little daughter is just about at the age where she could start to work with things like this and it would really help me work with her on her math skills and make it fun too. She is also blind and already shows interest in the old Apple 2ee!

Thanks again, and I hope that the Math disk is made available.

Brent Buswell
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