[Blindapple] CFFA 3000?

Carlos Melloni cmelloni at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 3 21:43:30 EDT 2013

The CFFA has a menu application pre-loaded in the ROM of the card in which you can assess before the boot. In the Menu you can pre-configure which image you want to load let's say in Slot 6, Driver 1 "Eamon Master" and in Slot 6, Driver 2 the "adventure disk". The card has also an accessory called CFFA 3000 remote that allows you to switch disk without having to access the menu application.

You can have an idea on the CFFA Menus and the remote switch by looking at the manual.

I have my card in Slot 7 

Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2013 21:21:05 -0400
From: jaybird at bluegrasspals.com
To: blindapple at bluegrasspals.com
Subject: Re: [Blindapple] CFFA 3000?



      How do you switch disks while the system is running? Let's say you
      boot up one disk like the Eamon Master for example, and need to
      put in an adventure disk. These disks are stored on your USB
      stick. How do you do the switch?


      What slot do you have your CFFA in?



      On 9/3/2013 9:18 PM, Carlos Melloni wrote:

      I have it one and I'm very satisfied with the card.
        Great investment.

        I'm mine opinion, the CFFA 3000 is the best way to transfer disk
        images to and from Apple II. You can use both CF and/or USB
        memory sticks. Depending on the CF/USB size, you can simulate
        several disks loaded in different Slots/Drivers in the Apple. I
        use my card in combination with Ciderpress running from the PC
        side http://ciderpress.sourceforge.net/
        and images from Asimov ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/ 





        > Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2013 08:36:07 -0400

          > From: jaybird at bluegrasspals.com

          > To: blindapple at bluegrasspals.com

          > Subject: [Blindapple] CFFA 3000?


          > Hi,


          > Does anyone on this list have the new CFFA 3000 card?
          It's the card that 

          > supports compact flash as well as USB flash drives. If
          so, how 

          > accessible is it? How do you switch disk images on a
          running system?

          > Thanks.


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