[Blindapple] A long shot.

Ryan Conroy staindaddict at juno.com
Mon Aug 30 15:39:38 EDT 2010

Hey everyone,

I was just wondering if anyone knows Nick Wilcox personally? He's the one who sold me the IIGS, and he's supposed to be sending me some games for it. I spent $50 on 500 blank disks just so he put games on them. Anyways, I got the computer, but after I received the computer, which was like three weeks ago, I haven't heard a word from him. I've been Emailing him almost every day, and I don't know if maybe my messages are not getting through, or what? If he's not going to put the games on the disks, I at least want the disks back. I paid good money for them, money that I really didn't have.
So Nick, if you get this, please get back to me. If anyone knows him personally, please pass this along.


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